So Much To Do Behind the Scenes
Previews and widgets and taxes, oh my!
Just finished the preview files, all uploaded and linked to each book's product page. Those should make it easy for you to take a peek inside and decide if the book will fit your family's needs.
This week, I'm focused on all the many little details that need to get done behind the scenes to make sure your shopping experience goes as smoothly as possible. Lots of apps and widgets to put in place, settings to tweak, and so on.
Plus, making sure that we keep the government happy by collecting VAT or sales taxes where appropriate.
Looking back at the date on my first post here, it's been almost exactly two months of work to get things in place. Here's hoping it won't take another month to get everything finished and ready to launch.* * *
Cat photo copyright © Yulcha84 / Depositphotos.