Tabletop Academy Press News

Winter Mug Sale: Get Cozy with Math
Are you snowed in, too? We didn't get quite as much snow as predicted—but enough to give the landscape a decent frosting and make the roads a mess. Then the...
Winter Mug Sale: Get Cozy with Math
Are you snowed in, too? We didn't get quite as much snow as predicted—but enough to give the landscape a decent frosting and make the roads a mess. Then the...

Math Activities for the Holidays
Are you looking for fun ways to keep your children busy (and learning!) through the holidays? Here are three printable activity guides you might enjoy: Holiday Countdown Denise Gaskins's newest...
Math Activities for the Holidays
Are you looking for fun ways to keep your children busy (and learning!) through the holidays? Here are three printable activity guides you might enjoy: Holiday Countdown Denise Gaskins's newest...

November Sale: Math Art Activity Guides
When students learn to visualize shapes, designs, and patterns, it makes them better at math. Even topics like algebra can be surprisingly visual. Art lets children experiment with geometric shapes...
November Sale: Math Art Activity Guides
When students learn to visualize shapes, designs, and patterns, it makes them better at math. Even topics like algebra can be surprisingly visual. Art lets children experiment with geometric shapes...

T-Shirt Sale This Month
Hey, look! The Playful Math Store is having a T-shirt sale. Every shirt in the store is marked down 15% for the month of October. You can show your mathy...
T-Shirt Sale This Month
Hey, look! The Playful Math Store is having a T-shirt sale. Every shirt in the store is marked down 15% for the month of October. You can show your mathy...

New Math Games and Free Ebooks!
After wrestling with some technical issues to connect my book printer to the store, I'm pleased to announce that the new Tabletop Math Games Collection books are now available in...
New Math Games and Free Ebooks!
After wrestling with some technical issues to connect my book printer to the store, I'm pleased to announce that the new Tabletop Math Games Collection books are now available in...

Back to School Sale: Save 20% Off Problem-Solvi...
Would you like to add a playful challenge to your school planning?For many years, I led math enrichment classes through our local homeschool co-ops. In recent years, family health issues...
Back to School Sale: Save 20% Off Problem-Solvi...
Would you like to add a playful challenge to your school planning?For many years, I led math enrichment classes through our local homeschool co-ops. In recent years, family health issues...